Getting ready to hit the road

While we wait for healing and the ok from the doctors we are exploring more of the area again!  I got a brand new camera that I am going to try to learn how to use. It is a Nikon D3300.  Not a super expensive camera but one with a bunch of knobs and menus to change up the photography.  It is going to be a real challenge for me as I usually use my phone or a point and shoot camera.  This one does have auto so that will be my go to while I learn what all these fancy functions are.


My first Photo! Isn't he a cutie?

My first Photo! Isn’t he a cutie?

One day I took a trip to the beach for one last look at the ocean and I tried out my camera just a bit more




That’s a bee inside.  My next task is going to be to see if I can get a bee, butterfly, or house fly in motion!

Over the weekend we visited with my parents and then with our friends, Luanne and Walt who live in Coloma.  It was very hot so not a lot of outdoor activities.  Our ride home on Wednesday was through the Delta Region as I had Dr. appointments in Redwood City so we took the scenic route.

The only boat we saw on the Delta on a beautiful Wednesday afternoon!

The only boat we saw on the Delta on a beautiful Wednesday afternoon!

Following along on Hwy 160 into Rio Vista

Following along on Hwy 160 into Rio Vista

Well my doctor appointment went excellent and so we leave in the morning!  Yeah!



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