Springtime in the Desert

We have had so much rain here in Mesa that the desert looks like the hills around San Jose in the Springtime.   Trying to capture a great sunset this week we went out into the desert and it is beautiful. There are so many grasses sprouting; cacti with buds; and little blooms everywhere.
Blooming Desert

Glowing Cacti


The new growth on this Cacti against the sunset looked radioactive. 


Redblooms. All was brown just a month ago


We have the perfect spot to capture the sunset against the desert and the mountains.  Only a 20 minute hike and we have this beautiful vista;  Hills behind us, the desert floor in front and then the Red Mountains.  Today wasn’t the best sunset but it is still good to be out in the desert and watching the sun.  Today we were not alone.  Shortly after we got settled and looked for a good photo frame a family climbed the hill to share the sunset.  The kids, a boy and a girl were quite shy and when Duke greeted them with his bark the girl picked up a rock the size of a tennis ball and tossed it at him!  Scared him and he ran away with his tail tucked.  The good news is after some coaching she was prepared to pet him and as dogs are so forgiving he gave her a lick! 

Luke, please don't throw rocks!!!

Luke, please don't throw rocks!!!


Thankfully Luke was not as afraid of Duke as his treasures were pretty large!  Duke is such a good dog and just patiently waited until both kids were ready to pet him and share their cookies. 

We did finally get to see the sunset; not a spectacular one, maybe next week. 

and the sun goes down

and the sun goes down


The sunset makes a beautiful backdrop for the desert plants

The sunset makes a beautiful backdrop for the desert plants




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