The past 2 weeks has been full of hikes, canoe trips, concerts, boat shows, little league, swimming and visiting old friends. The Adirondack State Park in the town of Old Forge is a cute little town where the summer population grows with all the people that have summer camps. There is so much to do here that we are not even sure 2 1/2 months is going to be enough time to do the things we were hoping to.
There are a lot of deer and bears in this area. One evening the neighbors got there bird feeders distroyed along with a 5 gallon tub of bird seed that was sealed and clamped shut – the bear just smashed the tub! Everyday around town you see deer. This little family we have seen most days near Paul’s sister’s house. Our first night in town we were having dinner at Judy’s and the deer were in the yard begging for food just like a dog! One of them stuck his head right up on the deck railing and took an apple from Ethan’s hand. (Paul’s nephew!) It is so odd to see deer just wandering through yards, around businesses, and along the roadways.

local wildlife
We took a canoe trip down the Moose River with Judy, David & Ethan one day. The canoe company takes you about a mile up the road where you put your canoe in and then you are off for about 4 hours canoeing back to the base! The river has so many twists and turns that we paddled most of the time with only a little time out for swimming and lunch to go the short distance that we traveled by car.

Taking a break

Mini rapids
This is the spot where you had to take your canoe out of the river and walk a ways across the river and put back in beyond these rapids! They really didn’t look too dangerous, only shallow but the canoe company requests you take out here and walk. It was a good time to take a short break.

Where is the trail?
We have been trying to do at least one hike each week around 3- 4 miles. This one was to a nice little lake that was only accessible from the hiking trail. They had several walk in campsites that looked really nice but there was no ELECTRICITY! Great for hiking but we are kind of use to amenities.

At the edge of the lake

Duke has become a water dog!
This hike was 2.5 miles and went all the way around the lake. Everytime we came near the shore, Duke went right for the water. He has definitely become a water dog. The only problem is it is so damp here that he stays wet forever!

8 inches across

A bridge across the inlet stream.
Another hike took us to a pond that was very hard to get to. Grass pond was a pretty strenous hike up a mountain and then thru swamp areas. It was beautiful with no one around but when we got to the pond, about 2 miles there was no way to get to the pond for a swim so we just looked and made our way back to the trail head.

Grass Pond

Paul carving a hiking stick. We definitely needed these!