Our Thanksgiving was different than our traditional weekend of family camping and a huge dinner with lots of desserts and enough food for 2 weeks. I have to admit I was not looking forward to Thanksgiving without family and our tradition but we had a great dinner with friends and our families had dinner together without us.
Christmas is just around the corner and you can see it here in our little community; there are lots of lights and cactus trees with lights on them. The RV park has put up lots of lights and decorations so it looks very festive. I have not done any shopping or decorating but I did get some outdoor lights so hopefully we get those up in the next few days!
Today we took a little drive out into the mountains and found two towns, Superior & Miami that both looked like ghosts towns. It was Saturday afternoon and in the Town of Superior there were only a few stores and a couple of Bars and they were all closed or boarded up! I don’t know if it is the economy or seasonal but it was pretty erie driving down the street and not a soul around. We stopped in the town of Globe which is much larger although it still seemed pretty tiny but they did have a Walmart and a Big O Tire Store. Paul took the opportunity to get the tires rotated which didn’t turn out so good as they found our shocks are bad and then they didn’t get the tires balanced correctly and now the car shakes at 65 miles per hour – we just drive 70! Another day for maintenance.
We drove through some amazing mountainscape although pictures would not do justice so I chose to just look. We came across the Biosphere 2 project by the University of Arizona. It was closed so we will definitely go back. We got a late start to our day so we got to drive in the desert in the dark – those cactus’ get scary looking when you are the only ones out there and all the light available is your headlights and the moon!
Christmas is only 28 days away and we leave for California in 21 days! Can you tell I am homesick?