Boating on the Delta has been so much fun. Today we took our friends, Barb & Brian out on the delta for some more exploring. The water is at its best this time of year and hardly anyone is out enjoying it.

Barb & Brians1st trip on the Delta
You never know what you will see in the Delta and today was no different. We were cruising down the San Joaquin River and this beautiful boat comes right up the river towards us. It was beautiful and the captain was very accomodating as we made circles around it to get photos and the whole crew waved and sounded their horn.

We also came across this old tractor that looked like when they were building a levee it either got overtaken by water or died and they just left it.

We went past Lost Isle which use to be the happen’ spot on the Delta and it is closed with fencing all around to keep people off the island.

A hoppin' place

This place use to be so crowded with every type of boater on a Saturday afternoon looking for a good time. They had great food, good music and then of course there was the bar! Most weekends you had to park your boat by tying to the last boat and climb through boats to find the dock. I guess the economy is affecting our recreation all the way through!

Willapa Ferry

The grand entrance to the Willapa
We found this really cool ferry that had be left in the delta. Paul, Brian, & Barb went aboard to explore and found the name of the ferry. It has a long history, first starting in San Francisco and then to Seattle. It is sinking into the Delta after failed attempts to sell it on EBay. Its name was Willapa.
And that my friends is a great day here in the Sacramento Delta Region!

Come on in, the water is great!