Trying to stay safe, Montana

While we enjoyed Idaho we need to get into Montana so Paul can see a couple more dealers and we will also visit Glacier NP.  It took us 2 times to get into the park. The first day we were turned around near the base of Going to the Sun Road.  Because of COVID they were limiting cars so the parking lots would not be so full.  Our second attempt we left Whitefish about 6 am.  Too early but the park was empty and spectacular.

Paul and Teddy are learning to appreciate one another.

Yep,  I think Teddy has found a perfect family and I think we got really lucky.

While I am not sure I would want to get up that early for most things it was definitely worth it.  Once we reached the summit very few cars followed.  We had some areas all to ourselves.  We can’t really hike in the park with Teddy but we saw some beautiful views.

We are staying in Whitefish,  I can walk to the town.  The town is busy and following protocols very well.  I feel very safe here. Whitefish is a small resort town and very upscale.  The restaurants are open and we found one with a great menu and outdoor dining.  I spent one morning browsing the quilt/gift shop and spent a little.

We also went to the local farmers market.  We didn’t get any produce as the line for the best variety was a 1/2 mile long. We did have a couple treats for dinner.

Small towns are always fun to explore.  Whitefish is definitely upscale but I still found plenty of things to buy.

Big birdhouse, Little birdhouse! The things you see when you are looking


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