
A beautiful Bride. A handsome Groom.  A perfect day!

June 6, 2015

happy couple

Everything about the day was beautiful, even the dog was good!  He hated the whole event, and didn’t understand why when there was all that lawn he had to be in his crate in the backroom other than to pee!  Audra, his friend for the day would come and let him out regularly.  He did escape one time.  I’m on the dance floor and I look up and see him coming frantically into the hall!  I call his name and he was so excited to hear a familiar voice he completely stops.  I pick him up, lots of kisses and here comes Audra!  She had dropped the leash and Tucker had no idea he was loose!

Paul and I have been so excited for this day and it could not have been more perfect.

Looking good

Looking good

I think my favorite memory is watching Paul with his daughter.  Believe it or not, Paul is much more sappy than I!  I think it is the weight loss!  Ask me who had more tears!

Applause from the floor

Applause from the floor

The past year has been all about planning this amazing party.  Now what are we going to do?

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