The 5 to The 405 to The 10 to The 5!

What does that mean?  The route from San Diego to Simi Valley California.  People in other parts of the country would not know what you were talking about but being a native I know!  Paul thinks it is weird even after living here 30 years.

Although that was one choice on Google we chose the more direct route, The 5 all the way to The 118 west!  Everything was going well.  We chose noon to leave so we would miss most of the commute.  We traveled past Disneyland and were making great time.  Traveling in the second lane works really well in big cities so you don’t have to worry about merging however sometimes a big rig will pass on the right which makes things very narrow.

About 10 miles north of Disneyland we are traveling in the second lane when a large truck with a very large container on the trailer is pulling up on our passenger side and then there is this incredibly loud bang!  I stopped breathing!  Paul stopped breathing!  When we got our breath back we started looking around – nothing!  The truck that was coming up along side began to make his way to the shoulder.  No smoke from our rig so we kept moving!  We think he must have had a blow out!  That was scary!

No more excitement and we arrived at the Elks Lodge in Simi Valley where we will stay for a few days while Paul does a little work so we can buy fuel to keep us moving north!

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