The sounds of the city

Life has been pretty normal the past week or so, if you call a major flu bug for me and Duke normal!!!  I got it first and then Duke had the same symptoms as me so Paul is sure he got it from me!  He is my best friend so maybe it was sympathy?  There is nothing worse that a sick dog because he has no way of communicating except for those eyes!  And the fact that he wasn’t even excited about the ball for over 2 days!

We are all better now and back to loving springtime in Mesa.  We went to a Giants baseball game at Salt River Fields and had a great day in the sun!  We had great seats, the food was decent and because our friends, Mike and Claudia invited us we got to ride their park bus and no one had to drive!




The wind up!

The wind up!

And the Giants won big!  I think this might be another good year for the San Francisco Bay Area!

The days are just fabulous right now, daytime temps are in the mid 80’s, the sun is shining, the cactus are blooming and the city is coming alive.  I have been walking early most mornings and I love the sounds of the city; horns honking, tires squealing, sirens blaring, owls howling and the cows mooing!  Yep, we have cows right in the city of Mesa, infact they are living right next door to our RV park!  This week I went out to take a picture of the cows in the orchard and discovered that we also have a new baby in the neighborhood!




He is too cute

He is too cute

Mom was very protective the first couple of days but now she comes right up to the fence because she is looking for her treats!

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