Lobster $9.99 a pound!

That’s isn’t even a bargain!

No, I am not naming him!

It’s not fancy dining and the napkins are not linen but you will need plenty of them!

Less than $50! Dinner for 3!

New England so far I think one of my favorite places although it is pretty rainy while we are here.  The skies are so blue, the seafood is spectacular.  My favorite so far was our stop at a local Clam Shack in Ipswich where we had fried scallops and clams.  I don’t even like my fish fried but they were amazing!

Picnic tables and fabulous seafood

We are here for 6 nights and we ate  fresh seafood 4 times!  Our most expensive dinner was the lobster.  New England is not only great seafood, cheap they also have some amazing coastline.  We are on the coast and there are so many cute little villages and amazing scenery here.

Rockport, MA

Waiting for her sailor to come in!

New Hampshire Coastline

And then there are the huge summer homes of the wealthy from New York City!

They could have a 9 hole golf course in their front yard! And all of this is oceanfront!

And then my favorite spot so far on the New England coast is from New Castle, NH which is a tiny “Rich” island off of Portsmouth (pronounced Portsmoth)! looking over to Maine!  We had a picnic lunch here with a nice man that shared all about the wealth here in New Castle.

New Castle, NH

Boston tomorrow!


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